Humanitarian aid

We provide aid to those who are in need, including those fighting human trafficking, feeding orphans, or assisting in disaster recovery.

Learn more about your opportunities to help:

Cambodia Children's Project

The Lifesong Learning Center is a ministry that exists to impact and improve the lives of the children of Cambodia, through the love of Jesus Christ. During weekdays, the Center provides preschool education in the morning, English classes and Music Lessons in the afternoon. The center serves between 100 to 250 children on the daily basis.

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Chile Wildfires - 2024

"All of Chile weeps for Valparaiso," said President Gabriel Boric on Sunday as the central coastal region recovered from the weekend inferno that has become the world's third-deadliest wildfire this century.

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Christmas Cambodia

At the Lifesong Learning center in Cambodia, they celebrate Christmas every year with over 1000 school children and children in the villages in the surrounding areas. The center provides the children with school uniforms, school supplies, and a sack of meals. Adults and the governing authorities of local villages are also invited. This is a great opportunity for the word of God and His love to be shared with everyone in attendance.

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Christmas Outreach Rasavanh

Christmas is a time when missionaries Mike and Dara Rasavanh are able to freely preach the Gospel by invitation. For many people the Rasavanhs' Christmas outreach is the first time they have heard about the Good News of Jesus Christ.

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Convoy of Hope (General)

Open Bible Churches partners with Convoy of Hope's Disaster Services Team. Whenever a disaster strikes, Convoy is one of the first to help, as will Open Bible churches when they contribute financial assistance and volunteers. And Convoy remains on site well after the disasters to assist people as they reassemble their lives. In 2018 Convoy of Hope received their 15th consecutive four-star rating from Charity Navigator.

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Convoy of Hope - Earthquake Relief (Turkey & Syria)

Convoy of Hope is working hard to provide food and water, hygiene supplies, and sheltering supplies to the region as quickly as possible. Please join us in praying for all those affected by this unimaginable devastation.

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Convoy of Hope - Maui Wildfires Relief

Convoy of Hope is responding to wildfires on the Hawaiian island of Maui in August 2023. You can help by donating here.

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Convoy of Hope - Middle East Conflict

Convoy of Hope is responding to the conflict in the Middle East, working with multiple partners in the region to ensure devastated families receive vital relief supplies. Containers of diapers, clothing, and other supplies are en route to the region while hundreds of food kits are already being distributed.

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Convoy of Hope - South-Midwest Tornados

Convoy of Hope is officially responding to the severe weather striking the Midwest and South. Team members are already on the ground in Arkansas. Additional responses are expected as severe weather threatens much of the area.

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Cuba Adopt -A-Church

You have a unique opportunity to partner with an Open Bible church in Cuba. Our brothers and sisters in Cuba live and minister in an impoverished and oppressive environment. Many people don't have sufficient funds to feed their children or the elderly.

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Cuba Aid

Cuba is facing one of the most severe economic crisis of its history. Right now, there is a serious lack of basic food items and other essential items which our Open Bible people need so desperately.

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Cuba Mission Esperanza

The Cuban people's everyday needs are overwhelming due to long-term economic failure, food scarcity and religious oppression. You cannot purchase normal items like good, clothing and toiletries.

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Disaster Relief - Hurricane Beryl

We are partnering with OBSC Trinidad and Tobago to provide the urgent help needed to provide basic supplies such as water, food, blankets and other items. We also need to help repair serious damage to the churches and homes of our Open Bible families in these disaster areas.

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Eastern Washington Fire Relief

A fast developing fire in Eastern Washington called the "Oregon Road" fire has affected dozens of families from one of our churches, Country Church of the Open Bible in Elk, Washington. Many have lost their homes. Other Open Bible churches in the Spokane area are also providing support for affected families.

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Fight Human Trafficking

Partner with Open Bible Churches in fighting human trafficking. Open Bible Churches will direct your "Fight Human Trafficking" contributions to agencies on the forefront of the battle to save children from this evil and minister to those who have already been ensnared.

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Fresh Water Wells (where needed most)

You don't have to be a scientist to understand that water is essential to life or that drinking from a murky pond or swamp can be deadly. Nearly one billion people suffer needlessly without access to safe water.

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Ghana - Church Planters Academy

In November of 2016, the Church Planters Academy of Ghana was launched as an experimental and innovative concept in planting churches - call it a thirty-day boot camp for prospective church planters and leaders.

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God is on the Move

Missionaries Bill and Fayth McConnell and Del and Joy Brown are investing in the harvest of Mexico! Their purpose is to glorify God, bring people to Jesus Christ, and minister to the spiritual, emotional, physical, and social needs of the disadvantaged people of Northern Mexico.

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Hope for Haiti

Haiti has been confronted with many difficulties and hardships. This year the president was assassinated, and then country was hit with a 7.2 magnitude earthquake. On top of that the country has a debilitating infrastructure and economy, which is why the Haitian people continue to face so many crises.

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India - Church Building

Many impoverished congregations in India meet under trees or in thatched-roof huts until a proper building where they can worship the Lord is built. The cost of church construction in India ranges from $10,000 to $20,000, depending on the size, location, and materials. Your donation, big or small, will help build a place where congregations can meet in a safe and clean environment instead of being exposed to harsh elements like heat and rain.

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India - Fresh Water Wells

Although access to drinking water has improved, the World Bank estimates that 21 percent of communicable diseases in India are related to unsafe water.

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India - Motor Scooter

A motor scooter is very valuable to our pastors in India. Without a scooter these pastors will walk or ride a bicycle into nearby villages about ten to fifteen miles away to visit the members of their congregation.

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India - Sirvani Retreat Center

The unfinished Sirvani Retreat Center is already serving as a gathering place for regional events, as well as farming, a recently completed home for boys, and a place for newly formed youth soccer teams to practice and play their matches.

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India - Soccer Club

Our vision is to train and develop good soccer players and good human beings who will impact their community and the society at large.

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India Orphanage - Elida

The children at the Elida Orphanage may have been neglected and cast aside at one time, but they are precious in God's sight. The staff at the orphanage makes sure to introduce them to the Father of the fatherless, demonstrating His love for them by providing food, housing, healthcare, and other essentials.

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India Orphanages

We believe loving and taking care of orphans is a true testimony of the love of Christ. This unique church/home combination in India provides an effective means to meeting both the spiritual and physical needs of each child as well as addressing the felt needs of the community.

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INSTE - South Asia Project

The vision for INSTE South Asia is to see the INSTE curriculum translated into and operational in the language understood by the majority of the people in this undisclosed Islamic nation. There are nearly 400 unreached people groups in this nation. Churches and teams of Christian workers desperately need discipleship material in their language to equip those called to minister to the unreached and disciple the many people turning to Christ. INSTE can help fill this need. Together we can make an impact in this spiritually needy nation.

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INSTE - South Asia-2 Project

The South Asia-2 INSTE project is targeting one of the most unreached nations on earth. Across Asia, oppressive regimes devote themselves to crushing any flicker of Christianity.

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INSTE - Ukraine Office

More than 300 students are participating in the INSTE program in Ukraine. The INSTE office is currently staffed by two part-time employees. Because of the low wages most Ukrainians receive, student fees need to be lower so students can afford to study INSTE. The fees received from the students do not provide sufficient funds to run the office.

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Leadership and Discipleship Training

Missionaries Mike and Dara Rasavanh are training new disciples and leaders in an undisclosed location. For safety reasons we cannot list all of the locations in Southeast Asia where training sessions are held. This training will offer the education needed for proper leadership in church planting and teach people how to effectively witness to and disciples others.

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Liberia Benevolence Fund

When you look into the face of poverty it is difficult to just pray for someone without also ministering to their physical needs. These funds are used for urgent needs such as: medical attention, food, water, clothes, and to bless people in difficult situations.

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Liberia Legacy Learning Center Projects

The mission of the Legacy Learning Center of Liberia is to empower students to be lifelong learners through the foundation of literacy, and for students to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

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Liberia Student Health and Education Program

Children that are privileged enough to attend school in Liberia typically lack basic necessities. Missionaries Drew and Jessica Welch share: "We have witnessed schools with no restrooms, whole schools with no means to provide lunch, children that walk miles to school in shoes that are too small, and the list goes on and on. Our teachers need training in classroom management and teaching practices."

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Liberia Student Sponsorship Fund

Legacy Learning Center students are learning to READ! Many of these students have never sat in a classroom before. They may be the first person in their family to learn to read. To further address the needs of these students we have felt the need to start a Student Sponsorship Fund.

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MOVE - Building Materials

MOVE Ministries projects are fully funded through the generosity of donors such as yourself. Men with varying levels of skill and expertise raise their own finances by faith and partner with the Department of Global Missions to build or remodel churches, Bible schools, mission stations, conference centers, homes, chapels...even playgrounds for children.

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MOVE - General Gift

Our MOVE crews labor for Christ building churches and other ministry venues in areas as diverse as Central and South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, the Caribbean, Papua New Guinea, and Mexico. Yet even as these men work on building these structures, God performs miracles in their hearts and lives as well. Are you ready to help MOVE Ministries make a difference around the world?

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MOVE Building Materials - Thailand

MOVE will fund and construct a building in Thailand in winter 2024.

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Puente de Amistad (Mexico)

The Puente de Amistad ministry base in Tijuana, Mexico, is dedicated to serving young people and the many adults who visit. Our goal is not to make missionaries of every person who walks through our gates, but rather, to provide a safe, affordable base from which others can minister as the Holy Spirit leads them.

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SGL Africa Trip

The School of Global Leadership - Africa is a trip focused on training local Pastors in: Prayer, Discipleship; Evangelism and Missions along with training for Youth, Children and Women's ministries.

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SGL Projects

The School of Global Leadership - Trinidad is a missions training school that provides a cross-cultural, hands-on, learning and living environment that will help propel students to leadership roles around the world.

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SGL Scholarships

The School of Global Leadership in Trinidad is a specialized missions training school for young leaders.

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Southeast Region Hurricane Ian Relief for Churches

All of us have been watching the news this week bracing ourselves for Hurricane Ian and subsequently watching the damage it has left in its wake. What a week it has been. We had three churches who felt Ian’s force more than most. Those churches were in Lehigh Acres (Word of Life), North Fort Myers (Open Bible Community Church) and Punta Gorda (Primera Iglesia Hispana de la Biblia Abierta).

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Syrian Refugees Relief

The war in Syria has led to the worst humanitarian crisis of our time. More than half the population of Syria are in need of urgent assistance. Four out of five Syrians are living in dire poverty and unemployment has increased to well over 50 percent. Syrians in displacement camps face overcrowding, inadequate access to basic services, high food prices and an increase in competition for limited job opportunities. Many refugees live in urban areas outside of the camps with little to no savings, dwelling in makeshift shelters without access to running water and heat. The needs of Syrian refugees are pervasive and urgent.

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Thailand Learning Center

A vision to build a Learning Center in Thailand to host Leadership and Discipleship training in SE Asia Region. This project is a partnership between Global Missions OBC and Lemkachao Church, who has provided land for the future building. The new facility will include a new Worship Hall, meeting rooms for teaching and learning, as well as housings for mission teams and facilitators. The first phase of the project estimated cost is $ 200,000.00. Please help us make this vision happen and make this Learning Center a Lighthouse in this Region.

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Tijuana Feeding Kitchen

Tijuana, Mexico, is a border city next to San Diego, California, and many thousands of people from all over Mexico come to Tijuana in search of jobs. Many are turned away because there simply isn't enough work to go around. With no where else to go, many of these families are then forced to live on the streets, making their homes out of plastic bags, cardboard, or any other material they can find. For these displaced homeless people, even one meal a day would be beyond wonderful. Several churches and centers provide daily meals for these souls who would otherwise starve to death.

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Tijuana Orphanage

Thousands of children, often abandoned, live in extreme poverty on the streets of Tijuana, Mexico. One of the most compelling ways to build a better world for these children is to support the orphanages in Mexico. Your donation will provide items like nutritious food, clothing, healthcare, shelter, and spiritual guidance.

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Uganda - Chickens

Sometimes miracles come with feathers. Fresh eggs are a source of protein and other essential nutrients, and the sale of extra eggs provides money for clothes, medicine, and other needs for our ministries in Uganda. Chickens are easy to breed - so your donation will multiply. A donation of $25 will provide a pair of chickens (rooster and a hen) to a family in need.

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Uganda - Church Buildings

Many impoverished congregations in Uganda meet under trees or in thatched-roof huts until a proper building where they can worship the Lord is built. The cost of church construction in Uganda ranges from $10,000 to $20,000, depending on the size, location, and materials. Your donation, big or small, will help build a place where congregations can meet in a safe and clean environment instead of being exposed to harsh elements like heat and rain.

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Uganda - Cow & Calf

The nutritional advantages of fresh milk every day are obvious, especially for growing children. One cow can produce up to 10 gallons of milk a day - or 200,000 glasses of milk in its lifetime. Dairy animals can also be a dependable source of income, as extra milk can be sold to raise money for school fees, clothes, and medical expenses. Help an impoverished family in Uganda by buying a cow and calf for $935 or share the cost by entering a different donation amount.

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Uganda - Fresh Water Wells

In many of the world's poorest places like Uganda, people are forced to walk miles every day just to get water.

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Uganda - Goats

No kid-ding here. This gift is an invaluable resource for rural communities in Uganda. A hardy goat is the gift of sustainability, especially for those living in areas that cannot support less durable animals.

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Uganda - Motor Scooter

Many of our Ugandan pastors have to travel hundreds of miles not only to meet with members from their congregation, but also to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to people who have not heard it before. A motor scooter allows the pastor to travel even to locations inaccessible by roads. The cost of one scooter ranges from $800 to $1,500. Your donation, big or small, will help our pastors go the extra mile to proclaim the Gospel.

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Uganda Orphanage - Bubinga

The past rule of Idi Amin and the effects of the HIV virus left thousands of children in Uganda orphaned with nowhere to live or with no one to provide for them. Several of our Open Bible churches started orphanages to provide for these displaced children and not only feed and clothe them but also to teach them the Word of God and provide a good education for them.

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Uganda Orphanage - Namasere

The past rule of Dictator Idi Amin and the effects of the HIV virus left thousands of children in Uganda orphaned with nowhere to live or with no one to provide for them. Several of our Open Bible churches started orphanages to provide for these displaced children and not only fee and clothe them but also to teach them the Word of God and provide a good education for them.

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Uganda Orphanages

The past rule of Idi Amin and the effects of the HIV virus left thousands of children in Uganda orphaned with nowhere to live or with no one to provide for them. Several of our Open Bible churches started orphanages to provide for these displaced children and not only feed and clothe them but also to teach them the Word of God and provide a good education for them.

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Ukraine Adopt-A-Church

You have a unique opportunity to partner with an Open Bible church in Ukraine, a former country of the Soviet Union that now has great freedom in preaching and teaching the Gospel. However, unemployment and economic distress hinder the evangelistic advance of the church. You can help the churches through your prayers and financial giving.

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Ukraine Relief

Please prayerfully consider giving to the 2022 Global Harvest offering, Ukraine Relief.

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World Relief (General)

When disaster strikes, specifically in already vulnerable regions, World Relief responds by providing immediate aid and working with the local communities to develop and provide programs that will allow these regions to address the crisis head-on so that they begin to thrive once again.

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World Relief - Afghan Refugee Assistance

World Relief, an arm of the National Association of Evangelicals, is working to assist and resettle Afghan refugees. You can contribute to their work through our MVP giving.

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