info Materials

Communication is key in sharing the gospel. Our Communications Team would love to help your church out in this area by sharing these and other resources with you!

Statement of Faith brochure

For people that want to know what Open Bible believes, you can provide them with a contemporary brochure. The Statement of Faith brochure comes in sets of 25 at $6.25 per set (plus shipping).

El folleto de La Declaración de Fe viene en grupos de 25 a $6.25 por grupo (más gastos de envío).

Discover Open Bible booklet

This booklet provides a short and concise description about Open Bible Churches. Most people without an Open Bible background do not have a clue about who we are. Some think we are a publishing company. Some think we are associated with fundamentalist “Bible” churches. Others think any number of things. This booklet helps you to show them that we are a living organism of churches and ministers, Bible-centered and Spirit-empowered. The Discover Open Bible booklet comes in sets of 25 at $11.25 per set (plus shipping).

Este folleto proporciona una descripción breve y concisa acerca de las Iglesias de la Biblia Abierta. La mayoría de las personas sin antecedentes no tienen ni idea de quiénes somos. Algunos piensan que somos una editorial. Otros piensan que estamos asociados con las iglesias fundamentalistas de la “Biblia.” Todavía otros piensan cualquier número de cosas. Este folleto le ayuda a mostrarles que somos un organismo vivo de Iglesias y ministros centrado en la Biblia y empoderado por el Espíritu.  El folleto (Descubre la Biblia Abierta) viene en grupos de 25 a $11.25 por grupo (más gastos de envío).

Heart for the Harvest

Heart for the Harvest is a "must read" for anyone interested in the history of Open Bible (1982-2007) and also for anyone longing to read true stories of sacrificial faith and obedience to the will of God. Moving stories of God at work in Open Bible churches around the world will grip your heart, challenge your faith, and birth fresh vision. You will discover the truth behind those who stepped out in faith to start Master's Commission, Global Outreaches Unlimited, Senior Ministries and more. This book will inspire you and cause you to examine your own life. How seriously do you take the command to "Go and make disciples"?

The Heart for the Harvest is available in soft cover - $12.00 (plus shipping)
The Heart for the Harvest is available in hard cover - $15.00 (plus shipping)

Heart for the Harvest Book


Heritage & Harvests

Heritage & Harvests is the story of the obedience and faithfulness of hundreds of missionaries, pastors, churches and national believers. It highlights the commitment and sacrifice of those who went, of those who sent them, and of the many who responded to the Gospel. Most of all, it is the story of Jesus Christ, of the Great Commission, and of Open Bible people who faithfully responded to His command.

The Heritage & Harvests book is available in hard cover only - $19.25 (plus shipping).

Heart for the Harvest Book


We Believe


As a new Christian, do you wonder what God expects from you? Or maybe you still have questions you need answered before you commit your life to Christ. We Believe: Core truths for Christian Living is our attempt to provide answers to these types of questions – to provide a solid foundation for those new to the faith and those still considering it. The material for We Believe can be studied independently or in a group setting. If studying independently, we suggest reading one chapter per setting, taking time to contemplate the questions at the end of each chapter. Ministry leaders or teachers may want to present the material for We Believe in a group setting. If so, you will want to order enough books for each member of your group and download the digital Leader’s Guides PDF.  También  disponible en español.

The We Believe book is available in soft cover only - $13.95 (plus shipping). The We Believe Leader's Guide is a digital download only - $49.95.
Sign into your MyOBC account to receive an instant discount of $2 on the book and $10 on the Leader's Guide package!

View other resources here.



Declaración de Fe (25)


Descubre las Iglesias de la Biblia Abierta (25)


Discover Open Bible booklet (set of 25)


Heart for the Harvest (hard cover)


Heart for the Harvest (soft cover)


Heritage and Harvests


Nosotros Creemos


Nosotros Creemos Manual de Líder


Statement of Faith brochure (set of 25)


We Believe


We Believe Leaders Guide Resource Package
