RENACER — Costa Rica
Christ For the City International (CFCI) works in 16 nations, with more than 500 workers bringing the transforming love of Jesus Christ through a huge variety of ministries. CFCI has been operating Community Transformation Centers (CTCs) for over 20 years. CTCs are specific buildings or centralized locations out of which a number of ministries and activities are operated. These CTCs meet the needs of all demographics and generations within an area. The goal is community transformation.
The Community:
Girls who come to the Renacer CTC are between 12 and 17 years old who have drug problems. Almost all of the girls come from very difficult backgrounds. Many of these girls are daughters of prostitutes and some of them grew up on the streets. Most of these girls do not have functional family units.
The CTC:
Participation in the Renacer program is completely voluntary. The girls participate in a 12- to 18-month therapeutic rehabilitation program. This program introduces them to Jesus and the Word of God. Every step of the recovery is covered in prayer, worship, and installing a sense of purpose and identity that God has designed specifically for them.
Alongside the spiritual and rehabilitation components of the program, the CTC teaches remedial education classes, computers, sports and recreation, arts and crafts, cooking, music, and dance. Rencacer is the only place in the country of Costa Rica that these girls can go to receive help and treatment. More than 92 percent of these girls graduate and go on to live sober and successful lives.
The Need:
It costs $2,000 a month for each girl who comes to the Renacer CTC. Each girl is provide with room and board, therapy and medical treatment, and other expenses depending on their need.
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