about School of Global Leadership
The School of Global Leadership – Trinidad is a missions training school that provides a cross-cultural, hands-on, learning and living environment that will help propel students to leadership roles around the world. Several specific projects help achieve that goal.
The “Missions Intensive” is more than a Missions trip. This is for people who are wanting a deeper missions experience or are considering becoming a missionary. In 16 weeks students learn through missions academics and hands-on ministry experience.
“Taste and See” is a month long missions and discipleship experience. It provides an introduction to basic cross-cultural adaptation, missions principles, and discipleship with real hands-on ministry experience.
Missions trips are structured by Directors Mike and Pam Lumbard according to what a team wants to accomplish. It can be geared around children’s ministry, youth, other age groups, community outreach, and evangelism or ministry to those in need. Strength of a team, ages of the team, and missions experience of the team are considered when activities and ministry are planned. This is a fast paced experience.
There is great diversity among the religious, economic, and ethnic facets of life in Trinidad. This makes it a solid stepping stone for those interested in taking Jesus to the world!