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 Meet the Welches

Drew and Jessica Welch and their family are answering the call to rebuild Liberia. They are working alongside the national leadership to oversee churches, schools, conferences, and projects that will help the ministry in Liberia to thrive again instead of just surviving.

In 1981, the last of the former Open Bible missionaries left Liberia as the church there had become nationalized. Unfortunately, for the next 24 years the  people  in  Liberia  suffered  through many coups and two civil wars. It is estimated that over 200,000 Liberians were killed and 1.5 million were forced to flee their homes. The infrastructure in Liberia was virtually destroyed, leaving many of our churches and school buildings burned to the ground. Because of the many years of civil war, the church is still struggling to achieve its pre-war status.

For 14 years Liberia lacked any kind of educational system, which has created an entire generation of illiterate people. The Welches have established the Legacy Learning Center to address this need, which will help people of all ages learn to read and write. The Open Bible Fellowship church was established on the property on September 5,  2021 bringing the Good News of Jesus to the local community. 

Email: welch@openbible.org
eNewsletter Sign-Up Form: http://eepurl.com/cMoLWX
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/welchfamilyministry/

Read their latest newsletter here!


Welch Family Publications

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