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Learn about Seek City Church

Seek City Church is a new church plant located in Burlington, VT led by Cody and Jocelyn Langty.

Seek City's vision is to plant churches for cities with growing rates of unchurched and dechurched citizens. Romans 15:20 states, we do not want to build on someone else’s foundation. Churches exist in their given communities to be the light and aid to the people within that area. Many cities are in a decline in faith due to the increasing number of church closures and lack of church proximity. New England states. Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine are among the highest ranking in both unchurched and dechurched citizens. Based on the latest analysis in 2021, these states also rank as the least religious states in the United States (characterized by the culturally understood definition of religious). Burlington Vermont is centralized geographically within the New England states which brings an exciting and humbling hope of playing a part in the revival of the North East.